October 18, 2019
The text of the L. n. 117 of 4 October 2019, containing "Delegation to the Government for the transposition of European directives and the implementation of other European Union acts". Article. 3 indicates among the "Principles and guiding criteria for the implementation of the directive (EU) 2017/1371on the fight against fraud affecting the Union's financial interests through criminal law "the obligation to"
integrate the provisions of Legislative Decree 8 June 2001, n. 231 ... for crimes affecting the financial interests of the European Union ".
In summary, the crimes related to tax fraud will be counted among those for which Legislative Decree 231 applies, the methods for updating the Models, however, will depend on the text of the legislative decrees which must be approved in the coming months.
September 22, 2019
Within 4 months from the entry into force of the conversion law, the subjects, public and private, will be identified who, due to the strategic role played, will be subject to particular measures and obligations regarding the security of networks and IT systems, including procurement of ICT products, processes and services.
May 21, 2019
The law, in art. 5, provides for the inclusion in the Legislative Decree 231 of art. 25-quaterdecies (Fraud in sporting competitions, abusive gambling or gambling and gambling carried out using prohibited devices), in relation to the commission of the offenses referred to in articles 1 (fraud in sporting competitions) and 4 (exercise illegal activity of gambling or wagering) of the law of 13 December 1989, n. 401
17th January 2019
The text of the L. n. 3/2019 ("Anti-corruption") containing "Measures to combat crimes against the public administration".
The law provides for an increase in the penalties relating to corruption offenses and, with reference to Legislative Decree 231/01, an increase in the duration of the disqualification sanctions for the offenses envisaged by art. 25 (Bribery, undue induction to give or promise benefits and corruption), as well as an increase in the maximum duration of the precautionary measures contemplated by art. 51.
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