Risk Management

The culture of risk management has always been present in the company even if, at times, it is not adequately structured and formalized. The approach followed to date has always been "sectoral", ie limited to the analysis of particular types of risk or specific company areas with the consequent proliferation of different risk assessments, often with profoundly different assessments.
Risk Management conceived today as activities duplicated by multiple actors who interact with the same company representatives, must evolve towards a centralized activity that analyzes all risks, dividing the individual conclusions between the various sectors of the company according to their needs.
The firm, on the basis of its consolidated experience, is able to help its customers, regardless of the organizational or business dimensions, to implement structured and integrated Risk Management processes perfectly commensurate with the real needs of supporting company strategies or safeguarding the corporate assets.
The consultancy activity includes:
  • Risk Assessment, aimed at identifying, assessing and prioritizing risks in terms of probability, impact and residual risk
  • Implementation of Models for Risk Management, aimed at the precise identification and definition of roles and responsibilities both of the risk assessment process and of the process of identifying the actions suitable for the management of those deemed most relevant
  • Monitoringof existing risk management processes, in order to assess their adequacy both in terms of application areas and communication flows

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